The delay-time spectra of Fe-57 nuclear resonant forward scattering in FeS
which belongs to the boundary between the charge-transfer and Mott-Hubbard
insulators have been observed under high pressure up to about 6 GPa at BL09
XU in SPring-8. Tile observed beat pattens in delay-time spectra are distin
guished two different types which correspond to the two different phases. W
e have successfully applied the maximum-entropy method to analyze the obser
ved delay-time spectra. The frequencies of quantum beats which directly dep
end on the energy differences between two hyperfine splitting levels of Fe-
57 nuclei were extracted by this analysis and then the hyperfine interactio
n parameters were determined from there extract-ed frequencies. Since the e
valuated magnetic hyperfine field at; 0.1MPa is smaller than that at 2 GPa,
the Neel temperature of FeS with a troilite structure increases with press