Porphyromonas gingivalis, a micro-organism frequently associated with
human periodontal diseases, is commonly cultured under a reducing atmo
sphere in enclosed cabinets or glove boxes. This paper reports a modif
ied Wilkins-Chalgren (MWC) medium for the culture of Fl gingivalis und
er atmospheric conditions at 37 degrees C. On the basis of preliminary
tests, WC broth was supplemented as follows: 500 mg/l cysteine hydroc
hloride; 250 mg/l sodium thioglycolate; and 1,000 mg/l sodium bicarbon
ate. Three Fl gingivalis isolates (JKG-I, 33277 and A7436) showed very
similar growth over 24 and 48 h periods when cultured both in WC medi
um in an anaerobic chamber and in the MWC medium. Culture of these iso
lates both in the anaerobic chamber and in the MWC medium yielded very
similar data with respect to trypsin-like activity, total protease ac
tivity, and reactivity to monoclonal antibodies specific for P. gingiv
alis. Growth in the MWC medium varied over a 3- to 4-fold range for se
ven additional isolates (JKG-7, D86B6, D13B11, D84D2, JKG9, D67D9, D82
F5) over 24 and 48 h periods.