Background. The aim of this study was to evaluate the determinants of acces
s patency and revision, including the effects of reducing the placement of
prosthetic hemodialysis access.
Methods. A retrospective cohort study of all hemodialysis accesses placed a
t the Veteran's Administration Puget Sound Health Care System between 1992
and 1999 was conducted. A policy was instituted in 1996 that maximized the
use of autogenous hemodialysis access. The impacts of the policy change, de
mographics, and comorbid factors on access type and patency, were examined.
Primary and secondary patency rates were examined using the Kaplan-Meier m
ethod, and factors associated with failure and revision were examined using
Cox proportional hazard models and Poisson regression.
Results. During the study, 104 accesses (61 prosthetic grafts and 43 autoge
nous fistulas) were placed prior to 1996, and 118 (31 prosthetic grafts and
87 autogenous fistulas) were placed after 1996. There was a significant in
crease in autogenous fistulas placed after 1996 (87 out of 118) compared wi
th before 1996 (43 out of 104, P < 0.001). At one year, autogenous fistulas
demonstrated superior primary patency (56 vs. 36%, P = 0.001) and secondar
y patency (72 vs. 58%, P = 0.003) compared with prosthetic grafts. After ad
justment for age, race, side of access placement, and history of prior acce
ss placement, patients with a prosthetic graft were estimated to experience
a 78% increase in the risk of primary access failure when compared with si
milar patients having an autogenous access [adjusted relative risk (aRR) =
1.78, 95% CI 1.21-2.62, P = 0.003)]. Similarly, the adjusted relative risk
of secondary access failure for comparing prosthetic grafts with autogenous
fistulas was estimated to be 2.21 (95% CI 1.38-3.54, P = 0.001). The adjus
ted risk of access revision was 2.89-fold higher for prosthetic grafts than
for autogenous fistulas (95% CI 1.88-4.44, P < 0.001).
Conclusions. Autogenous conduits demonstrated superior performance when com
pared with prosthetic grafts in terms of primary and secondary patency and
number of revisions. A policy emphasizing the preferential placement of aut
ogenous fistulas over prosthetic grafts may result in improved patency and
a reduction in the number of procedures required to maintain dialysis acces
s patency.