The distribution and environmental conditions of bark consumption by small
rodents were compiled for the northern and southern hemispheres. Main bark
consumption occurred under snow at peak cyclic density and in the dry seaso
n of annually fluctuating rodent populations, respectively. The species res
ponsible appeared more folivorous in the north. Among woody species that ar
e damaged, a large number were in both cases exotics. Various defences agai
nst bark consumption have evolved. including secondary compounds. However,
this defence appears inadequate when indigenous trees are grown under new e
nvironmental conditions. It is pointed out that the stem and bark are very
sensitive components of perennial trees and bushes and that this potential
but usually well protected resource will only be used in crucial situations
by various mammals. In view of the many unsuccessful attempts to prevent s
mall rodent damage by bark consumption, costs for rodent damage should be i
ncluded in any cost-benefit analyses for plantations of exotic species or i
ndigenous species under new conditions. Screening and even selection for re
sistant varieties may be needed at large scale plantations.