Bottom trawling causes chronic and widespread disturbance to the seabed in
shallow shelf seas and could lead to changes in the trophic structure and f
unction of benthic communities, with important implications for the process
ing of primary production and the wider functioning of the marine ecosystem
. We studied the effects of bottom trawling on the trophic structure of inf
aunal and epifaunal benthic communities in 2 regions (Silver Pit and Hills)
of the central North Sea. Within each region, we quantified long-term (ove
r 5 yr) differences in trawling disturbance at a series of sites (using sig
htings data from fishery protection flights), and related this to differenc
es in the biomass and trophic structure of the benthic community. There wer
e 27- and 10-fold differences in levels of beam trawl disturbance among the
Silver Pit and Hills sites respectively, and we estimated that the frequen
cy with which the entire area of the sites was trawled ranged from 0.2 to 6
.5 times yr(-1) in the Silver Pit and 0.2 to 2.3 times yr(-1) in the Hills.
The impacts of fishing were most pronounced in the Silver Pit region, wher
e the range of trawling disturbance was greater. Infaunal and epifaunal bio
mass decreased significantly with trawling disturbance. Within the infauna,
there were highly significant decreases in the biomass of bivalves and spa
tangoids (burrowing sea-urchins) but no significant change in polychaetes.
Relationships between trophic level (estimated using nitrogen stable isotop
e composition, delta N-15) and body mass (as log(2) size classes) were rare
ly significant, implying that the larger individuals in this community did
not consistently prey on the smaller ones. For epifauna, the relationships
were significant, but the slopes or intercepts of the fitted linear regress
ions were not significantly related to trawling disturbance. Moreover, mean
delta N-15 Of the sampled infaunal and epifaunal communities were remarkab
ly consistent across sites and not significantly related to trawling distur
bance. Our results suggest that chronic trawling disturbance led to dramati
c reductions in the biomass of infauna and epifauna, but these reductions w
ere not reflected in changes to the mean trophic level of the community, or
the relationships between the trophic levels of different sizes of epifaun
a. The trophic structure of intensively trawled benthic invertebrate commun
ities may be a robust feature of this marine ecosystem, thus ensuring the e
fficient processing of production within those animals that have sufficient
ly high intrinsic rates of population increase to withstand the levels of m
ortality imposed by trawling.