A stochastic model of chromosomal instability has been previously developed
which has included one adjustable parameter-the probability of a, segregat
ion error. using computer simulations, we have previously analyzed this mod
el and were able to reproduce a short-term dynamics of chromosome copy numb
er distributions in clones of cancer cells. In a short run, segregation err
ors provide a,continuous production of deviant cells with increasing variat
ion of cell karyotypes, which depends upon the rate of segregation errors.
In the long-term observations, many tumors slid cancer cell lines have been
observed to maintain a stable, although abnormal, distribution of chromoso
me number for hundreds of cell generations. This phenomenon of "stability w
ithin instability" presents an interesting paradox, which could be addresse
d mathematically. However, this would require modeling of long term growth
of tumor cell clones for hundreds of generations. which has far exceeded ca
pabilities of modern computer systems. In this study, we have analyzed asym
ptotic behavior of our model using a semianalytical approach. A transition
probability matrix was derived analytically and implemented in a recursive
algorithm for computational experiments. Using this transition probability
model, the expected frequencies of chromosome copy number have been calcula
ted under various initial and boundary conditions. We have also tested seve
ral alternative models, which describe various mechanisms of errors in segr
egation of chromosomes, and found conditions for stabilization of distribut
ion of chromosomes copy numbers over a large number of cell generations. St
able clonal frequencies were estimated which are independent of initial con
ditions, i.e., chromosome copy numbers in the initiator cells. These stable
distributions were, however, dependent on the model assumptions regarding
particular mechanism of errors in segregation of chromosomes. Thus, our mod
eling results have suggested a possible connection between the form of stab
le distribution of chromosome numbers in tumors and the underlying mechanis
m of errors ill segregation of chromosomes. This new analytical approach al
lows us to overcome technical impairments and limitations of computer simul
ation, and. for the first time, provides mathematical insight into long-ter
m evolution of chromosome numerical changes in human tumors. (C) 2001 Elsev
ier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.