Thirty-three obscure intracranial lesions were located using the Steiner-Li
ndquist microsurgical stereotaxic guide and then surgically resected. Seven
teen of the lesions were located in the parietal region, six in the frontal
region, three in the parietooccipilal region, three in the temporoparietal
region, one in the thalamic region, one in the centrum semiovale, one in t
he brainstem, and one in the third ventricle. Twenty-three lesions were in
subcortical or cortical locations. In 28 cases, the lesion was totally remo
ved, while in 5 the lesion was subtotally resected. Pathological examinatio
ns confirmed glial tumor in eight patients, metastasis in seven, meningioma
in two, cavernous angioma in eight, arteriovenous malformation (AVM) in fo
ur, hematoma in two, dysembryoblastic neuroepithelial tumor in one, and sep
tum pellucidum cyst in one. Two patients developed transient complications
postsurgery. Mean lesion size was 23 +/- 0.97 mm. The hospitalization perio
d ranged from 1 to 6 days (mean 3.4 +/- 1.3 days). Surgeries were performed
under general anesthesia, or under local anesthesia with the patient awake
. The Steiner-Lindquist microsurgical stereotaxic guide is useful for pinpo
inting small lesions, especially those! in the subcortical and deep areas.
Knowing the precise location of the lesion facilitates removal through a sm
all craniotomy incision. This minimally invasive procedure reduces the numb
er of postoperative neurological complications, and also cuts costs by shor
tening the hospital stay.