Appetite, food intake and weight are frequently altered in psychiatric diso
rders such as major depression and schizophrenia. The few studies investiga
ting weight and the body mass index (BMI) have yielded variable results, Le
ptin, a fat cell-derived hormone signalling to the brain the size of the ad
ipose tissue, plays a pivotal role in the regulation of weight and food int
ake. Moreover, leptin is involved in the control of other behaviors and in
brain development. There is almost no information about the amounts of circ
ulating leptin in major depression or schizophrenia. We investigated the BM
I and plasma leptin levels in patients with major depression (n = 62), schi
zophrenia (n = 42), and in healthy controls (n = 64). Mean BMIs did not dif
fer between groups. However, leptin levels were significantly lower in both
patient groups compared to healthy controls. Moreover, patients suffering
from schizophrenia showed significantly lower leptin levels than depressed
patients. Decreased leptin levels were independent of psychotropic medicati
on, We conclude that depression and schizophrenia go along with decreased s
ystemic leptin concentrations that cannot be explained by medication or an
altered BMI. Hence, leptin might play an important pathophysiological role
in these psychiatric disorders that deserves further scientific attention.
Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG. Basel.