Neutron activation of structural materials gives rise to an energy release
during the subsequent radioactive decay. In large devices for energy produc
tion like a fission reactor, the future proposed Energy Amplifier or a Fusi
on power plant, this energy release represents a source of heat, which alth
ough at a very much lower level than the heating during operations is of th
e order of MWs for large nuclear power plants. Accurate estimation of the d
ecay power is essential for safety analyses of the power plant against loss
of coolant accidents, etc. Some computer codes have been developed to pred
ict the decay power, but validation of the computer codes through experimen
tal measurements is essential. A new large, almost 4 pi detector, formed by
coupling a well-type CsI scintillator and a small plastic beta detector ha
s been developed for accurate and efficient measurements of decay power fro
m gamma and beta radiation. preliminary measurements of decay power produce
d in neutron-activated tungsten are presented and compared with the predict
ions of the European Activation Code System, EASY-99. (C) 2001 Elsevier Sci
ence B.V. All rights reserved.