We have previously shown that BTG1 stimulates myoblast differentiation, In
addition, this protein displays a major nuclear localization in confluent m
yoblasts, decreasing during the early steps of differentiation, and is esse
ntially detected in the cytoplasm of mature myotubes. To identify the domai
ns involved in the cellular trafficking of BTG1, we observed the localizati
on of several BTG1 sequences fused to beta Galactosidase. The highly conser
ved B box among all members of the BTG family induces a significant nuclear
localization of the beta Gal moiety, enhanced by presence of the BTG1 carb
oxy-terminal sequence. In addition, a functional Nuclear Export Signal (NES
) overlaps the B box. Moreover, presence of the first 43 NH2-terminal amino
acids reduced the nuclear localization of each chimeric protein tested. La
st, the BTG1 amino-terminal domain hears an LxxLL, motif favouring nuclear
accumulation, and another region encompassing the A box inhibiting nuclear
localization. In contrast to a BTG1 mutant exclusively localized in the cyt
oplasm, transient expression of a mutant displaying a nuclear Localization
enhanced myoblasts withdrawal from the cell cycle and terminal differentiat
ion, thus mimicking the myogenic influence of BTG1, In conclusion, several
regions of BTG1 are implicated in its cellular localization, and BTG1 myoge
nic activity is induced at the nuclear level.