Aim: To preserve viable, metabolically active chondrocytes cultured in algi
nate beads at -196 degreesC for further use in in vitro and in vivo studies
Methods: Human articular chondrocytes were isolated from femoral condyles w
ithin 24 h post mortem. To optimize the biological freezing procedure, the
chondrocytes were control-rate frozen in different concentrations of dimeth
yl sulfoxide (DMSO) in Dulbecco's MEM supplemented with 10% FCS before bein
g thawed and the cell viability was determined by Trypan Blue exclusion tes
t. To investigate the effect of control-rate freezing on chondrocyte metabo
lism, control-rate frozen chondrocytes in 5% DMSO were thawed and cultured
in gelled agarose for 2 weeks. Non-frozen chondrocytes cultured in agarose
served as controls. Furthermore, human articular chondrocytes were cultured
in 2% alginate beads for 2 weeks after which the beads were incubated with
5% DMSO for 0 h, 2.5 h, 5 h and 10 h and frozen at -196 degreesC. Non-froz
en alginate beads containing chondrocytes and incubated with 5% DMSO served
as a control. After 2 weeks in culture, chondrocytes in agarose or in algi
nate were sulfated with 10 mu Ci (SO4)-S-35/ml for 48 h. The total producti
on of aggrecans, and the aggrecan subtypes, were subsequently determined.
Results: Five percent DMSO in the culture medium was the optimal condition
to control-rate freeze and recover viable and functional isolated chondrocy
tes. Total aggrecan synthesis of control-rate frozen chondrocytes cultured
in gelled agarose was not significantly reduced when compared with control
cells. The proportion of aggrecan in the aggregate form of control-rate fro
zen chondrocytes kept in agarose remained unaltered. Chondrocytes, control-
rate frozen in the alginate matrix, showed a 0-30% decrease in total aggrec
an synthesis rates in culture when compared with the non-frozen chondrocyte
s. The optimal pre-incubation time of the alginate beads with 5% DMSO was 5
h, without any change in aggrecan synthesis rates when compared with the c
ontrol situation. Shorter pre-incubation times resulted in an insufficient
diffusion of DMSO into the beads and in cell death. There was no difference
in the synthesis of the different aggrecan subtypes between frozen and non
-frozen chondrocytes in alginate.
Conclusion: Human articular chondrocytes can be stored at -196 degreesC for
24 h without important decreases in their aggrecan synthesis rates when co
ntrol-rate frozen as a cell suspension in 5% DMSO. Proportions of the aggre
can subtypes (monomers, aggregates) synthesized by chondrocytes cultured in
agarose remained unchanged. The control-rate freezing procedure in the alg
inate beads pre-incubated with 5% DMSO for 5 h produced no decrease in tota
l aggrecan synthesis rates and no change in the synthesized aggrecan subtyp
es. Further experiments have to confirm the suitability of this freezing me
thod for long-term storage of chondrocytes allowing us to set up a 'chondro
cyte' bank far further use in in vitro and in vivo manipulations. (C) 2001
OsteoArthritis Research Society International.