This study describes the adverse effects of dietary lupines in broiler chic
kens for which lupine seeds (Lupinus angustifolius) in raw, dehulled, or au
toclaved forms were used as a replacement for soybean meal (SBM) in practic
al diets. Test diets contained 35% SBM (control) or raw (40%), autoclaved (
40%), or dehulled (35%) lupine seed meal. All diets were isocaloric (3,230
kcal/kg AME) and isonitrogenous (23% crude protein). Each diet was offered
ad libitum to a group of 16 (four replicates with four birds per replicate)
day-old male broiler chicks for 21 d. Chemical analysis of lupine seeds sh
owed no detectable levels of mycotoxins, and total alkaloid contents were b
elow 0.01%. Decreased food intake and growth rate were the main signs obser
ved in all birds fed lupine-based diets. These adverse effects were observe
d during the first week and persisted throughout the trial. Acute signs of
toxicity were observed in four chicks fed the diet containing raw lupine se
ed during the first week of exposure. Initial clinical signs included leg w
eakness, lack of coordination, and torticollis. In later stages, during Wee
ks 2 and 3, some birds fed lupine-based diets showed signs of muscle paraly
sis and skeletal deformity. Postmortem examination did not show gross patho
logical changes associated with the dietary treatments. Liver microsomal cy
tochrome P-50 content was higher (P < 0.05) in birds fed the raw lupine-bas
ed diet (mean 0.56 pmol/mg protein) in comparison with controls (mean 0.25
pmol/mg protein), which indicated a systemic effect. Based on the present r
esults, it can be stated that high levels of some varieties of sweet lupine
s in broiler diets may cause significant adverse effects manifested as 1) d
ecreased feed intake and growth rate in most of the birds, and 2) specific
signs of acute and chronic toxicity in some individuals.