Vibration/dynamics studies have become increasingly important in the mechan
ical design of hard disk drives (HDDs) owing to the ever-growing demand for
greater storage density and access speed. In fact, it is anticipated that
it is the vibration/dynamic characteristics of HDD assemblies that will eve
ntually pose a design limit on their performance, not the associated electr
onics whose designs are far more advanced. In this study, finite element an
alysis is used to model and investigate the dynamic behaviour of a head act
uator with consideration of the effect of pivot assembly. Then, an experime
ntal method for measuring the vibration/dynamics of the head actuator is de
veloped using the Ometron VPI laser sensor system. The representative vibra
tion modes that limit the servo bandwidth are identified and analysed. The
effect of pivot assembly on the vibration modes of the head actuator is stu
died under different conditions. From the results of numerical analysis and
experimental demonstration, it is shown that pivot assembly is an importan
t factor that limits the servo bandwidth and access speed of the head actua
tor. Based on these studies, a new passive damping structure, which is atta
ched to the housing of the pivot assembly, is proposed, and its feasibility
for improving the dynamic behaviour of the head actuator is theoretically