Domestic animals have played a key role in human history. Despite their imp
ortance, however, the origins of most domestic species remain poorly unders
tood. We assessed the phylogenetic history and population structure of dome
stic goats by sequencing a hypervariable segment (481 bp) of the mtDNA cont
rol region from 406 goats representing 88 breeds distributed across the Old
World, Phylogeographic analysis revealed three highly divergent goat linea
ges (estimated divergence > 200,000 years ago), with one lineage occurring
only in eastern and southern Asia. A remarkably similar pattern exists in c
attle, sheep, and pigs. These results, combined with recent archaeological
findings, suggest that goats and other farm animals have multiple maternal
origins with a possible center of origin in Asia, as well as in the Fertile
Crescent. The pattern of goat mtDNA diversity suggests that all three line
ages have undergone population expansions, but that the expansion was relat
ively recent for two of the lineages (including the Asian lineage). Goat po
pulations are surprisingly less genetically structured than cattle populati
ons. In goats only approximate to 10% of the mtDNA variation is partitioned
among continents. In cattle the amount is greater than or equal to 50%. Th
is weak structuring suggests extensive intercontinental transportation of g
oats and has intriguing implications about the importance of goats in histo
rical human migrations and commerce.