Spoken language is one of the most compact and structured ways to convey in
formation. The linguistic ability to structure individual words into larger
sentence units permits speakers to express a nearly unlimited range of mea
nings. This ability is rooted in speakers' knowledge of syntax and in the c
orresponding process of syntactic encoding. Syntactic encoding is highly au
tomatized, operates largely outside of conscious awareness, and overlaps cl
osely in time with several other processes of language production. With the
use of positron emission tomography we investigated the cortical activatio
ns during spoken language production that are related to the syntactic enco
ding process. In the paradigm of restrictive scene description, utterances
varying in complexity of syntactic encoding were elicited. Results provided
evidence that the left Rolandic operculum, caudally adjacent to Broca's ar
ea, is involved in both sentence-level and local (phrase-level) syntactic e
ncoding during speaking.