Educating in the ways of the spirit: Teaching and leading poetically, prophetically, powerfully (Exploring the poetic and prophetic dimensions of Latin-American women writers)
Re. Guare, Educating in the ways of the spirit: Teaching and leading poetically, prophetically, powerfully (Exploring the poetic and prophetic dimensions of Latin-American women writers), RELIG EDUC, 96(1), 2001, pp. 65-87
This article is an attempt to awaken the life of the spirit through the cre
ative imagination. In form and content, the article encourages teachers and
leaders to recognize and value the poetic and prophetic dimensions of thei
r works as a way of deepening human consciousness. Within this article, cre
ative ways of the spirit are explored through the rich language of poetry.
Such language is intended to invite educators to visit their own interior l
andscapes where the Spirit moves, stirs, and plays. The article begins by a
ttending to the voices of Latin American women whose poetry denounces oppre
ssive silence as a threat to humans subjects. Next, it explores poetry as d
issent and desire and advances prophecy as the voice and the vision of poet
ic imagination, then concludes by challenging educators to notice and respo
nd to the poetic and prophetic dimensions of their work as powerful interse
ctions for both disclosing and concealing the Gracious Holy Mystery of God.