Fast Fourier transform infrared (FI-IR) imaging measurements of cured polyb
utadiene(PBD)/zinc diacrylate(ZDA) showed a heterogeneous distribution of z
inc diacrylate. The phase structures were classified as PBD-rich and ZDA-ri
ch domains. Upon curing, the increase in the infrared aliphatic CH stretchi
ng mode at 2916cm(-1) and the decrease in unsaturated CH stretching mode at
3075 cm(-1) were observed as the single bond crosslinks were formed at the
expense of double bonds. In a solvent diffusion experiment with toluene of
these cured blends, it was observed that more solvent is imbibed into the
PBD-rich matrix than the ZDA-rich domains. The difference is due to the low
er swelling ratio of ZDA-rich domains than that of PBD-rich matrix.