In response to intracellular damage and certain physiological cues, cells e
nter the suicide program termed apoptosis, executed by proteases called cas
pases. Commitment to apoptosis is typically governed by opposing factions o
f the Bcl-2 family of cytoplasmic proteins, Initiation of the proteolytic c
ascade requires assembly of certain caspase precursors on a scaffold protei
n, and the Bcl-2 family determines whether this complex can form. Its pro-s
urvival members can act by sequestering the scaffold protein and/or by prev
enting the release of apoptogenic molecules from organelles such as mitocho
ndria. Pro-apoptotic family members act as sentinels for cellular damage: c
ytotoxic signals induce their translocation to the organelles where they bi
nd to their pro-survival relatives, promote organelle damage and trigger ap