Rationale and Objectives. The purpose of this study was to determine relati
ve rates of missed diagnoses for radiologists as a measure of competence in
interpreting chest radiographs.
Materials and Methods. Cases involving differing interpretations of chest r
adiographs were collected from January 1994 through December 1999 by facult
y (chest and nonchest radiology specialists) in an academic radiology depar
tment. A quarterly peer-review process designated cases months after the fa
ct, and anonymously, as no miss or as class I (nondiagnosable), class II (v
ery difficult diagnosis), class III (should be diagnosed most of time), or
class IV (should almost always be diagnosed) missed diagnoses. The rates an
d classes of missed diagnoses were compared among chest faculty and for the
nonchest radiology specialists as a group.
Results. Chest radiologists read 184,977 studies, and nonchest radiologists
read 300,684 studies. Of these, 243 missed diagnoses were classified (clas
ses I and II, 184 cases; class III, 50; and class IV, nine). No difference
was detected in the rate of class III and IV misses among chest faculty, bu
t nonchest faculty had significantly more class III (P = .022) and class IV
misses (P = .016).
Conclusion. Random sampling of differing interpretations can yield a relati
ve rate of missed diagnoses for radiologists. No difference was detected in
clinically important misses (ie, classes III and IV) among chest radiologi
sts, but a statistically significantly higher rate of seemingly obvious mis
diagnoses was found for nonchest specialty radiologists. Potential biases m
ay have influenced this analysis, including disease prevalence, sampling, c
linical factors, observer variability, and truth-in-diagnosis.