Surface relief gratings (SRGs) recorded on Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of
an azobenzene homopolymer were visualized using micro-Raman imaging. Raman
scattering (RS) was achieved using the 780 nm laser line while pre-resonanc
e Raman scattering (pre-RRS) and resonance Raman scattering were achieved u
sing the 633 and 514.5 nm laser lines, respectively, Pre-surface-enhanced r
esonance Raman scattering (pre-SERRS) and surface-enhanced resonance Raman
scattering (SERRS) were collected for the LB films covered with a 6 nm thic
k silver island film. The SRG could be chemically identified by the spatial
variation in the Raman signal scattered by the film due to a concentration
gradient. The pre-SERRS provided signals of the same intensity along and a
cross the grooves, indicating that the molecular architecture at the SRG su
rface is the same at the peaks as in the valleys.