Common concepts for autonomous on-board navigation systems rely on the nume
rical integration of a spacecraft trajectory between subsequent measurement
s of a navigation sensor such as GPS. In combination with a Kalman filter,
a predicted state vector becomes available at discrete, but not necessarily
equidistant time steps. When used for real-time attitude control or gee-co
ding of image data, the on-board navigation system has to provide continuou
s dense output at: equidistant time steps, which usually conflicts with the
natural stepsize of the relevant integration methods and the non-equidista
nt measurement times. To cope with this problem, the integrator has to be s
upplemented by an interpolation scheme of compatible order and accuracy.
After presenting a representative formulation of an on-board navigation sys
tem and deriving related timing and accuracy requirements, suitable Runge-K
utta methods and associated interpolants are selected and evaluated. Promis
ing results are obtained for the classical RK4 method in combination with R
ichardson extrapolation and 5th-order Hermite interpolation. The 5th-order
Fehlberg method with interpolation due to Enright and, for drag-free scenar
ios, the 5th-order Runge-Kutta-Nystrom method with 5th-order Hermite interp
olation provide a good performance in terms of position interpolation. Howe
ver, as both methods exhibit significant: errors for the velocity interpola
tion, they are not recommended for use with the outlined navigation filter.
(C) 2001 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.