This article represents the proceedings of a symposium at the 2000 ISBRA Me
eting in Yokohama, Japan. The co-chairs were Karl Mann and Ingrid Agartz. T
he presentations were (1) Neuropathological changes in alcohol-related brai
n damage, by Clive Harper; (2) Regional brain volumes including the hippoca
mpus and monoamine metabolites in alcohol dependence, by Ingrid Agartz, Sus
an Shoal, Robert R, Rawlings, Reza Momenan, and Daniel W Hommer; (3) Diffus
ion tensor abnormalities in imaging of white matter alcoholism, by Adolf Pf
efferbaum and Edith V. Sullivan; (4) Use of functional MRI to evaluate brai
n activity during alcohol cue exposure in alcoholics: Relationship to cravi
ng, by Raymond F. Anton, David J. Drobes, and Mark S. George; and (5) mu -O
piate: receptor availability in alcoholism First results from a positron em
ission tomography study, by Karl Mann, Roland Bares, Hans-Juergen Machulla,
Goetz Mundle, Matthias Reimold, and Andreas Heinz.