Acute uncomplicated diarrhoea is commonly treated by self-medication. Guide
lines for treatment exist, but are inconsistent, sometimes contradictory, a
nd often owe more to dogma than evidence. An ad hoc multidisciplinary group
has reviewed the literature to determine best practice.
In general it is recognized that treatment of acute episodes relieves disco
mfort and social dysfunction. There is no evidence that it prolongs the ill
ness. Self-medication in otherwise healthy adults is safe.
Oral loperamide is the treatment of choice. Older anti-diarrhoeal drugs are
also effective in the relief of symptoms but carry the risk of unwanted ad
verse effects. Oral rehydration solutions do not relieve diarrhoea, and con
fer no added benefit for adults who can maintain their fluid intake. Probio
tic agents are, at present, limited in efficacy and availability. Antimicro
bial drugs, available without prescription in some countries, are not gener
ally appropriate for self-medication, except for travellers on the basis of
medical advice prior to departure.
Medical intervention is recommended for the management of acute diarrhoea i
n the frail, the elderly (> 75 years), persons with concurrent chronic dise
ase, and children. Medical intervention is also required when there is no a
batement of the symptoms after 48 h, or when there is evidence of deteriora
tion such as dehydration, abdominal distension, or the onset of dysentery (
pyrexia > 38.5 degreesC and/or bloody stools).