Recent partial melting experiments on peridotite indicate that mantle perid
otites with Mg# < 88 can produce primitive mid-ocean ridge basalt by 15-25%
partial melting at 1.0-1.5 GPa followed by small amounts (a few to 10%) of
olivine fractionation, whereas those with Mg# > 89 can produce primitive m
id-ocean ridge basalt by partial melting at pressures greater than 1.5 GPa
followed by extensive olivine fractionation. Polybaric incremental batch me
lting or stepwise fractional melting experiments indicate that the composit
ions of accumulated incremental melts formed along a mantle adiabat in the
pressure range 2.0-1.0 and 2.0-0.5 GPa are close to, but slightly more oliv
ine-rich than, those of primitive mid-ocean ridge basalt, and that the amou
nt of accumulated incremental melts is significantly smaller than that of b
atch partial melts formed for the same potential temperature. The melting i
n adiabatically ascending mantle beneath mid-ocean ridges would cease at de
pths > 15 km because of the inflection of the solidus of mantle peridotite.