The study explores the criterion-related validity of the Swedish version of
the Communicative Development Inventories-Word & Sentences (SECDI-W&S). In
two follow-up procedures. SECDI-W&S was used to assess vocabulary and gram
mar skills in 32 children at ages 1;10 or 2;4. At the first follow-up. 14 m
onths later (at ages 3:0 or 3;6). two grammar tasks from the SECDI-W&S and
one narrative task (frog story) were given to 27 children. Predictive valid
ity ranged from .50 to .60 for most assessed skills over the 14-month perio
d, whereas concurrent validity scores at ages 3;0 or 3:6 ranged from .48 to
.70. The second follow-up at 26 months (at ages 1;0 or 4;6) was conducted
with the narrative task only. predictive validity from ages 1:10 or 2:3 for
the second follow-up remained high for some of the measures: however, for
other measures it diminished, which could be partly accounted for by ceilin
g effects, The overall results confirm that the criterion-related validity
of the SECDI is sound.