The present paper is devoted to the study of those rings Ii such that for a
ny ring homomorphism R-S the functor Hom(R)(S,-) : R-Mod--> S-Mod preserves
injective envelopes or injective covers.
The case of injective envelopes has been studied by T. Wurfel ([9]). who ga
ve a characterization of such rings (Theorem 10). In this paper we give ano
ther characterization of those rings in Section 2. One of the tools we use
is a generalization of a certain type of module initially studied by Northc
ott ([4]), McKerrow ([3]) and Park ([5] and [6]).
The case of injective covers is treated in Section 3. where we give a compl
ete characterization of commutative noetherian rings satisfying the propert
y mentioned above.