The impacts of ambient ozone pollution on crops in the Mediterranean countr
ies have been recorded regularly in the so-called "grey literature" of UN/E
CE Workshop Reports for the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Poll
ution, and less frequently in the peer-reviewed literature. This short comm
unication reviews such records and shows that ambient ozone episodes have b
een reported to cause visible injury on 24 agricultural and horticultural c
rops grown in commercial fields including three of the most important crops
in the region (wheat, maize, and grapevine). On one occasion, the damage w
as so extensive that complete crop loss occurred in commercial glasshouses
of Butterhead lettuce in one area of Greece. Experiments with open-top cham
bers have indicated that ambient ozone caused 17-39 % yield loss in crops s
uch as wheat, bean, watermelon and tomato. The applicability of the long-te
rm critical level of ozone described by Fuhrer et al. (Environ. Pollut. 97
(1997) 91)for the Mediterranean areas is also considered. (C) 2001 Elsevier
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