Very old, undisturbed forest stands may be important for biodiversity throu
gh their content of microhabitats or for the long periods available for col
onisation, or for both. The term Ecological Continuity (EC) has been used t
o ascribe value to old forest stands. The relative importance of microhabit
at and time for colonisation are usually not kept apart when EC is used as
a conservation criterium. EC is broadly applied but poorly defined. Use of
EC may lead to underestimation of the importance of forest dynamics and dis
persal, and to overestimation of the importance of local land use history.
If bioindicators of long-term habitat persistence are to be used, species w
ith low dispersal capacity should be chosen. However, many lichens and othe
r fungi, bryophytes and insects cited as indicators of EC, seem to have a p
atch-tracking lifestyle. They are 'colonists' according to life history str
ategy classification, and rather seem to indicate specific microhabitats. T
errestrial molluscs, some vascular forest plants, and those bryophytes and
lichenized fungi classified as 'perennial stayers' in life history strategy
classification, might be used to indicate long-term habitat persistence in
forests, but more research is needed to evaluate such indicators.