Turbidity and light scattering measurements, along with phase contrast micr
oscopy, were used to follow the processes leading to coacervation when aque
ous solutions of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and poly (dimethyldiallylammoni
um chloride) (PDADMAC) were brought from pH = 4 to 10. The state of macromo
lecular assembly of complexes formed between BSA and PDADMAC prior to and d
uring the pH-induced coacervation could be characterized by specific pH val
ues at which recognizable transitions took place. In addition to the two ch
aracteristic pH values (pH(crit) and pH(phi)) previously identified through
turbidimetry, other transitions were explicitly established. On the basis
of the pH-induced evolution of scattering intensity measurements, we conclu
ded that the formation of soluble primary protein-polymer complexes is init
iated at pH(crit) and proceeds until "pH'(crit)". A subsequent increase in
scattering intensity at "pH(pre)" may arise from the assembly of quasi-neut
ralized primary complexes as their net positive charge decreases with incre
ase in pH. Subsequently, a maximum in scattering intensity at pH(phi) is ob
served coincident with the appearance of turbidity and also corresponding t
o the first microscopic observation of coacervate droplets. The temperature
independence of pH(crit) and pH(phi) suggests that hydrophobic contributio
ns are negligible for the initial BSA-PDADMAC interactions and the subseque
nt coacervation process. The pH dependence of scattering intensity profiles
allowed the identification of two other transitions beyond pH(phi). Spheri
cal microcoacervate droplets first observed around pH(phi) subsequently dis
played morphological changes at "pH(morph)", followed by the transformation
to solid of flocculant substances at pH(precip).