The paper aims to investigate influences of norms on a space-time dynamic o
f stirred (solutions) and non-stirred (lattices) collectives of very simple
believing agents. A mental state of an agent is characterized by agent's b
elief in some proposition and a truth value of the proposition in agents lo
cal vicinity. Every agent of the collective updates its belief depending on
its current belief. belief of its closest neighbours and truth value of th
e proposition in neighbourhood of the neighbours. Each agent is represented
by a finite automaton - a so-called doxaton [A. Adamtzky, Appl. Math. Comp
ut.. in press]. The doxaton takes five doxastic states, derived from the be
lief: knowledge, doubt, misbelief delusion and ignorance. In the above ment
ioned reference, we defined a binary composition of doxastic states and inv
estigated its algebraic structure. The composition itself is not determinis
tic; however, it can be made deterministic by applying norms. The norms are
expressed in a priority order on the doxastic states. Space-time evolution
of the solutions and the lattices of doxatons is studied in computer exper
iments to understand influences of norms and initial conditions on the beha
viour of abstract collectives of simple agents. Diffusion and reaction of d
oxastic states are explored as well as formation of stationary patterns of
the doxastic states. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.