This paper presents a hybrid algorithm used, in conjunction with the Finite
Integration Technique (FIT), for solving static and quasistatic electromag
netic field problems in nonlinear media. The hybrid technique is based on n
ew theoretical results regarding the similarities between the Picard-Banach
fixed-point (polarization) method and the Newton method. At each iteration
, the solution is obtained as a linear combination of the old solution, and
the new Picard-Banach and Newton solutions. The numerical solutions are ca
lculated through a "triangle" (bidimensional) minimization of the residual
or of the energy functional: The goal of this combination is to increase th
e robustness of the iterative method, without losing the quadratic speed of
convergence in the vicinity of the solution. The proposed method generaliz
es and unifies in a single algorithm the overrelaxed Picard-Banach and the
underrelaxed Newton methods.