DARWIN is an efficient evolutionary algorithm programmed to approximate the
functional relation, in symbolic form, that describes the behaviour of a t
ime series. The search procedure is based on Darwinian theories of natural
selection and survival. An initial population of potential solutions is sub
jected to an evolutionary process described by selection, reproduction and
mutation processes which are repeated over generations until an optimum ind
ividual is finally found. DARWIN is particularly useful when the dynamical
model that creates the time series is nonlinear. The code, based on a previ
ously proposed evolutionary algorithm [Phys. Rev. E 55 (1997) 2557-2568], i
s programmed in Fortran 77. Darwin is actually employed as a predictor in a
satellite based ocean forecasting system. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. A
ll rights reserved.