The surgical management of hydrosalpinges is a controversial subject. Chron
ic pathology of the fallopian tube with distal obstruction leads to the for
mation of a hydrosalpinx, and is associated with very poor pregnancy rates
after surgery. In these cases, in-vitro fertilization has proved to be a mu
ch better alternative. However, several studies have shown that patients wi
th hydrosalpinges have significantly lower pregnancy and implantation rates
after in-vitro fertilization compared with patients with other forms of tu
bal damage. The exact mechanism by which the hydrosalpinx adversely affects
in-vitro fertilization results is not yet fully understood. The value of p
erforming a salpingectomy before in-vitro fertilization has been studied ex
tensively. Currently. a clear benefit in salpingectomies has been proved fo
r patients with ultrasonically visible hydrosalpinges. (C) 2000 Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins.