B cross-sectional design was used to examine age-related differences in sui
cidal thinking and reasons for living among younger (n = 82; M age = 21) an
d older (n = 82; M age = 68) adults. Volunteers anonymously completed tile
Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation and the Reasons for Lining Inventory. Findi
ngs indicated that older adults do not manifest suicidal ideation different
ly than younger adults However, there does appear to be some age-related di
fferences in reasons for not committing suicide. Compared to the younger gr
oup, the older group reported moral objections and child-related concerns a
s stronger reasons for not committing suicide. Bn implication is that the i
dentification of specific reasons that deter individuals from committing su
icide may be clinically useful and provide some assistance in suicide preve
ntion efforts.