History and admission findings: 3 years ago, a 63-year-old man underwent la
parotomia due to clinical signs of acute abdominal pain, The anemia was tre
ated with erythrocyte concentrates. Several weeks before the current admiss
ion to our outpatient department, the patient was again hospitalized becaus
e of acute abdominal pain and anemia. The patient was then transferred to t
he University: clinic for further medical tests.
Investigations: In addition to a normocytic anemia, a secondary, porphyria
was found. Further medical tests demonstrated lead poisoning,
Diagnosis. treatment and course: Initially, the cause of the lead poisoning
remainedunclear because the patient had reported neither an occuppational
nor an environmental exposure to lead. Finally, a prescription-prepared oin
tment was evaluated, which the patient had applied to his feet and lips ove
r the past 3 years.
Conclusion: Lead poisoning can be found outside the realm of occupational e