The formation of a continuous crystal network in magmas and lavas can provi
de finite yield strength, tau (y), and can thus cause a change from Newtoni
an to Bingham theology. The theology of crystal-melt suspensions affects ge
ological processes, such as ascent of magma through volcanic conduits, flow
of lava across the Earth's surface, melt extraction from crystal mushes un
der compression, convection in magmatic bodies, and shear wave propagation
through partial melting zones. Here, three-dimensional numerical models are
used to investigate the onset of 'static' yield strength in a zero-shear e
nvironment. Crystals are positioned randomly in space and can be approximat
ed as convex polyhedra of any shape, size and orientation. We determine the
critical crystal volume fraction, phi (c), at which a crystal network firs
t forms. The value of phi (c) is a function of object shape and orientation
distribution, and decreases with increasing randomness in object orientati
on and increasing shape anisotropy. For example, while parallel-aligned con
vex objects yield phi (c) = 0.29, randomly oriented cubes exhibit a maximum
phi (c) of 0.22. Approximations of plagioclase crystals as randomly orient
ed elongated and flattened prisms (tablets) with aspect ratios between 1:4:
16 and 1:1:2 yield 0.08 < phi < 0.20, respectively. The dependence of phi (
c) on particle orientation implies that the flow regime and resulting parti
cle ordering may affect the onset of yield strength. phi (c) in zero-shear
environments is a lower bound for phi (c). Finally the average total exclud
ed volume is used, within its limitation of being a 'quasi-invariant', to d
evelop a scaling relation between tau (y) and phi for suspensions of differ
ent particle shaper. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.