Our aim in this paper is to build and test a model which classifies and ide
ntifies pedestrian shopping behaviour in a shopping centre by using tempora
l and spatial choice heuristics. In particular, the temporal local-distance
-minimising, total-distance-minimising, and global-distance-minimising heur
istic choice rules and spatial nearest-destination-oriented, farthest-desti
nation-oriented, and intermediate-destination-oriented choice rules are com
bined to classify and identify the stop sequences and route choices of shop
ping pedestrians. First, several linear networks with a single entry node a
nd a few stop nodes are investigated. For these networks, the global-distan
ce-minimising and spatial choice heuristics classify and identify the seque
nces of stops very well. Although the local-distance-minimising choice rule
identifies pedestrian route choice quite well, another heuristic is needed
to improve the identification. In this paper a new, attractive-street-orie
nted heuristic is suggested to improve the identification ability of the mo
del. This choice rule suggests that shopping pedestrians will never leave t
he attractive shopping streets before completing their shopping. The model
is then applied to empirical data of pedestrian shopping behaviour in Veldh
oven City Centre in The Netherlands. The findings of this application sugge
st that the model based on choice heuristics might be useful to classify an
d identify the sequences of stops and route choice behaviour of shopping pe
destrians in a shopping centre.