We review the main algebraic aspects that characterize and determine the do
main wall solutions of maximal gauged supergravity in various spacetime dim
ensions by considering consistent truncations that retain a number of compo
nents in the diagonal of the coset space scalar manifold of the theory. Sta
rting from the algebraic classification of domain walls in D =4 gauged supe
rgravity, we also derive the corresponding solutions in D = 5 and D = 7 dim
ensions. From a higher dimensional point of view, these solutions describe
the gravitatonal field, in the field theory limit, of a large number of M2-
, D3-and M5-branes that are distributed on hypersurfaces in the transverse
space to the branes. As a new result we employ a smearing procedure as well
as various dualities to list the irreducible curves and the symmetry group
s of p-brane distributions for all values of p that are of interest in curr
ent applications of string theory. Some emphasis is placed on the presentat
ion of new results in the case of NS5-branes.