A company produces a large number of products in a flexible factory consist
ing of numerous workcentres. Each product can follow a number of different
routings through the factory. Associated with each routing is a range of ma
terials, any one of which can be used to produce the product. At the beginn
ing of each period the company assigns a routing and a material to each pro
duct in a list of orders to be completed. The objective is to maximize the
orders that can be completed that period given constraints on workcentre ca
pacity and material inventory at the company. After several periods have pa
ssed or whenever conditions change, the company reviews the materials it ke
eps in inventory to determine whether the mix and quantities should be chan
ged. The motivation for this study is a problem instance at a steel company
. The products are different chemistries, widths and gauges of galvanized s
teel. The workcentres are pickling lines, cold rolling mills, galvanizing l
ines, prefinishing and painting facilities. The materials are different che
mistries, widths and gauges of semi-finished steel. The general problem is
not unique to steel companies. Versions of it are likely to exist in other
companies where production systems have some flexibility. The production pr
oblem is di? cult to solve optimally in practice because of its combinatori
al nature (i.e. there are a large number of orders, routings, materials and
workcentres) and because the decision variables are restricted to be integ
er valued. However, the problem has a special structure that permits it to
be decomposed into subproblems that are easier to solve. A heuristical solu
tion procedure consisting of three steps is presented. First, an LP relaxat
ion of the problem is solved to give an initial allocation of workcentre ca
pacity to groups of similar orders. Second, routings and materials are assi
gned to orders in each group. Third, any unused capacity after the first tw
o steps is reviewed to determine whether it can be used to improve the assi
gnment in the second step. Lower and upper bounds on the value of the optim
al solution are calculated to evaluate the quality of the solution in Step
3. The solution for the instance at the steel company is within 4% of the l
ower bound. Dual variables are used to decide where additional capacity sho
uld be added.