Aims. The aims of this study were: (1) to explore perceptions of power in b
lind individuals and relate presence or absence of power to self-perceived
health and (2) to compare self-perceived health in blind individuals with t
hat of the general population.
Background. The theoretical framework of this study was Barrett's Power the
ory, which is based on The Rogerian nursing theory. Power is defined as bei
ng aware of what one is choosing to do, feeling free to doing it, and do it
Methods. Thirty-nine blind subjects at three adjacent ophthalmology centres
agreed to participate in the study. Of those 23 had become blind because o
f late complications of diabetes. Power was explored during semi-structured
interviews and self-perceived health was measured with the Swedish health-
related quality of life questionnaire. Data on socio-economic, rehabilitati
ve and diabetes-related variables were also collected.
Findings. Power was experienced by 19 of the 39 respondents and was more fr
equently found in nondiabetic subjects than in diabetic subjects. Those exp
eriencing power reported a better emotional and general health compared wit
h individuals lacking power. The perception of having power was not signifi
cantly related to any other of the studied variables. When compared with ag
e- and gender-matched controls from the general population, nondiabetic bli
nd subjects scored higher in positive feelings and lower in physical functi
oning. In contrast diabetic subjects experienced poorer general health, les
s satisfaction with physical health and more negative feelings, but they re
ported that they did not experience limitation as a result of these emotion
Conclusion. One way of improving health in diabetic blind individuals could
be to increase the subject's perception of power.