Taurine has been implicated in the regulation of arginine vasopressin (AVP)
secretion, and we have previously shown altered renal excretory function i
n the taurine-depleted rat. To further elucidate the role of taurine in AVP
-mediated renal responses, the effects of an antagonist for renal AVP recep
tors were examined in four groups of conscious rats: control, taurine-suppl
emented. taurine-depleted, and taurine-repleted, Control and taurine-supple
mented rats displayed similar and significant AVP receptor antagonist-induc
ed elevations in fluid excretion. sodium excretion, and free water clearanc
e but a marked reduction in urine osmolality. These effects are consistent
with inhibition of endogenous AVP activity. By contrast, in the taurine-dep
leted rats, the magnitude and the time course of drug-induced renal excreto
ry responses lagged behind those of the control and taurine-supplemented gr
oups. Further, baseline urine osmolality was significantly higher in the ta
urine-depleted compared with the control or taurine-supplemented groups. Ho
wever, after administration of the antagonist, taurine-depleted rats manife
sted a delayed but more marked reduction in urine osmolality. thereby elimi
nating the baseline differential that existed between the taurine-depleted
rats and control or taurine-supplemented groups. Consistent with these obse
rvations, plasma AVP was significantly increased in the taurine-depleted co
mpared with the control rats. Interestingly, taurine repletion shifted all
responses closer to the control group. Analysis of the data suggests that t
he effect of the antagonist on renal excretory function is related primaril
y to altered tubular reabsorption activity. These observations suggest that
taurine modulates renal function, and, thereby. body fluid homeostasis, th
rough an AVP-dependent mechanism.