Purpose. The purpose of this study was to describe the various sonographic
features of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP).
Methods. We retrospectively reviewed the CT, sonographic, and medical recor
ds of patients diagnosed with XGP from January 1981 to December 1998. Twent
y-seven patients for whom XGP was histopathologically confirmed were includ
ed in the study. There were 12 men and 15 women, with an age range of 21-86
years (mean, 57 years). All patients had undergone sonography of the kidne
ys. The renal size, shape, and outline were recorded. The presence of perin
ephric fluid accumulation, of obstructive uropathy, or of internal echoes i
n the dilated collecting system and the echotexture of the renal parenchyma
were documented.
Results. We categorized the XGP into 4 groups on the basis of the sonograph
ic features: (1) diffuse hydronephrotic, 12 patients (44%); (2) diffuse par
enchymal, 9 patients (33%); (3) diffuse contracted, 4 patients (15%); and (
4) segmental or focal, 2 patients (7%). A localized perinephric fluid colle
ction was present in 4 patients (15%). The preoperative sonographic diagnos
es were pyonephrosis (n = 14, 52%), renal pelvic tumor with possible associ
ated infection (n = 5, 19%), renal parenchymal mass (n = 2, 7%), hydronephr
osis (n = 2, 7%), and chronic pyelonephritis with renal atrophy (n = 4, 15%
), XGP was considered a possible diagnosis in only 11 patients (41%).
Conclusions. XGP has no specific sonographic features but is suggested by p
arenchymal thinning and hydronephrosis, sonographic signs of chronic obstru
ctive uropathy caused by stones; echoes in the dilated collecting system; a
nd a perinephric fluid collection. CT, needle biopsy, or both are recommend
ed to further evaluate and confirm sonographically suspected XGP. (C) 2001
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.