We describe our experience of anterior pelvic exenteration for bladder canc
er in women using a combined transvaginal and laparoscopic approach. The fe
asibility of videoendoscopically assisted transvaginal cystectomy was demon
strated several years ago, but the indications have been greatly reduced by
the spreading use of orthotopic neobladders in women. Moreover, nulliparou
s patients or patients with vaginal atresia are not suitable for this techn
ique, even if the specimen can also be retrieved through the minilaparotomy
used for performing urinary diversion. In the last 3 years, we have perfor
med only four additional cases. Nevetheless, the results are satisfactory,W
e did not have any major intraoperative complication. Patients were dischar
ged after 7 to 11 days (average 8.6 days) without any postoperative complic
ations. The minimum survival was 13 months, and four patients are still ali
ve. The operation itself is not easy and therefore can be offered only by c
enters where videoendosurgery has already entered common clinical practice.