Among simple Z-graded Lie superalgebras of polynomial growth, there re seve
ral which have no Cartan matrix but, nevertheless, have quadratic even Casi
mir element C-2: these re the Lie superalgebra e(L)(1|6) of vector fields o
n the (1|6) - dimensional supercircle preserving the contact form, and the
series: the finite dimensional Lie superalgebra sh(0 \ 2k) of special Hamil
tonian fields in 2k odd indeterminates, and the Kac-Moody version of sh(0|2
k). Using C-2 we compute N. Shapovalov determinant for e(L)(0|6) and sh(0|2
k), and for the Poisson superalgebras po(0|2k) associated with sh(0|2k). A.
Shapovalov described irreducible finite dimensional representations of po(
0|n) and sh(0|n); we generalize his result for Verma modules: give criteria
for irreducibility of the Verma modules over po(0|2k) and sh(0|2k).