We develop a theory of Grobner bases over Galois rings, following the usual
formulation for Grobner bases over finite fields. Our treatment includes a
division algorithm, a characterization of Grobner bases, and an extension
of Buchberger's algorithm. One application is towards the problem of decodi
ng alternant codes over Galois rings. To this end we consider the module M
= {(a, b) : aS = b mod x(r)} of all solutions to the so-called key equation
for alternant codes, where S is a syndrome polynomial. In decoding, a part
icular solution (Sigma, Omega) is an element of M is sought satisfying cert
ain conditions, and such a solution can be found in a Grobner basis of M. A
pplying techniques introduced in the first part of this paper, we give an a
lgorithm which returns the required solution. (C) 2001 Academic Press.