The strain history dependence of the stress-strain behavior of thermoplasti
c vulcanizate (TPV) materials is studied through a set of experiments and m
icromechanical models. Thermoplastic vulcanizates are a class of composite
material consisting of a high volume fraction of fully-cured elastomeric pa
rticles in a thermoplastic matrix. The stress-strain behavior of TPVs is fo
und to soften after having been subjected to an initial load/unload cycle.
rn this paper, the TPV strain history dependence is experimentally document
ed on a representative TPV material (TPV-R) by subjecting TPV-R to load/unl
oad/reload histories in plane strain compression to various magnitudes of s
train. The stress-strain behavior is observed to be more compliant upon rel
oading, but the tangent modulus is found to increase with strain until the
reloading stress-strain curve joins the initial curve. An increase in the m
agnitude of the initial strain excursion increases the compliance observed
during reloading. The unloading behavior following the reload is very simil
ar to the unloading behavior following the initial load. The underlying mic
roscopic mechanisms which govern the strain history effects are investigate
d using micromechanical modelling of the composite structure and its deform
ation. The stress-strain behaviors predicted by the simulations are found t
o be in good agreement with the experimentally observed behavior over the e
ntire strain history for each magnitude of strain considered. The models re
veal the softening of the material to result from a reorganization of the p
article/matrix microstructural configuration due to plastic stretching of i
nterparticle ligaments during the initial load step followed by ligament be
nding and rotation during the unloading step. The new microstructural confi
guration that exists after the first load/unload cycle favors bending and r
otation of the (now thinned) matrix ligaments (as opposed to plastic deform
ation of the ligaments) during reloading; the ligament bending and rotation
occur under low stress levels which results in the more compliant response
. The additional features of the stress-strain behavior during reloading ar
e also captured well by the model. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. AII right
s reserved.