In this prospective study we evaluated the somatostatin receptor scint
igraphy in the initial staging of 19 patients suffering from Hodgkin's
CHD) and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) and in the restaging of 16 pat
ients. Scintigraphy was compared to the results of the methods applied
for adequate staging of lymphoma patients in the large multicentre tr
ials. Planar imaging and SPECT was performed after intravenous injecti
on of 110 or 220 MBq of In-111-pentetreotide. The patient-based analys
is yielded an overall sensitivity of 88%, contrasting lesion-based sen
sitivities of 57%, 35%, and 43% in HD, low-grade NHL and high-grade NH
L, respectively. The best results were obtained in the head-and-neck r
egion and the worst in the abdomen (sensitivities of 61% and 24%, resp
ectively). Bone marrow infiltration was visible in 1/12 cases only. Th
ere was no significant difference between the outcomes of patients in
the initial staging and restaging and no influence of the amount of in
jected radiopharmaceutical on the results. In terms of the Ann-Arbor c
lassification, 10/35 patients were concordant whereas 22 were understa
ged and 3 overstaged scintigraphically. In conclusion, somatostatin re
ceptor scintigraphy is not useful in the initial staging or restaging
of malignant lymphomas, especially NHL, due to low lesion detection ra
tes most probably because of low receptor densities. In addition, intr
aindividual heterogeneity of somatostatin receptor expression has to b
e considered.