Evidence-based medicine, founded in probability-based statistics, applies w
hat is the case for the collective to the individual patient. An intuitive
approach, however, would define structure in the (physiologic) system of in
terest, the human being, directly relevant to other systems (patients) comp
osed of similar variables. A difference in measure of variable interaction
in the patient from that in the collective would show how extrapolation of
information from the latter to the single patient is counterintuitive. Meth
ods: We compare statistical to 'fuzzy' measures of variable interaction. Th
ree diagnostic variables are considered in 30 stroke patients who underwent
the same diagnostic tests. 'Fit' (fuzzy information) values [0, 1] for deg
ree of variable severity were expertly assigned by 2 blinded raters for rea
l and fabricated patients. Fabricated patients were composed of real patien
t 'fit' values after shuffling. Real and fabricated patients were each nume
rically represented as a set {blood, heart, vessel}. Three groups of fabric
ated patients and the real patient group were studied. Statistical [Pearson
's product-moment (regression analysis) and Spearman's rank correlation] an
d three different fuzzy strong in real patients, and weak after one shuffle
, using all fuzzy measures. By comparison, the same interaction was found i
n real patients by only 1 rater (Rater 2) using 1 statistical technique (Sp
earman's rank correlation) which, as did Pearson product-moment correlation
, found a 'significant' interaction between blood-heart in fabricated patie
nts. Conclusion: Our study suggests that the measure of variable interactio
n in nature - as combined in the individual treat) patient - is captured ro
bustly by fuzzy measures and not so by standard statistical measures. Copyr
ight (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.