Shoot tips and nodal explants of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Alba
rino) were cultured on Murashige & Skoog's or Galzy's mineral salts su
pplemented with 2 mg/l of N-6-(2-isopentenyl) adenine and/or Ferro's v
itamins. The reactivity was high (60%) in all the treatments. Length o
f the tallest shoot and number of nodes per explant were influenced si
gnificantly by media and type of explant. Rooting percentage, number o
f roots per explant and length of the longest root were affected signi
ficantly by the two above factors, an interaction being found between
them. Callus development was best, in general, in nodal segments, inde
pendent of the medium used. Murashige & Skoog's mineral salts enhanced