Ten soft red and ten hard red winter wheat varieties grown in Hungary were
involved in a three-year experiment (1997-1999) to characterise their theol
ogical properties (Brabender Farinograph, 10 gram-Mixograph, and Chopin Alv
eograph), gluten and protein contents (Inframatic 8611), and kernel hardnes
s (Perten SKCS 4100). Ten mixograph parameters were selected in order to ma
intain a good representation of dough properties. The correlations between
the endosperm structure and the theological quality were examined using var
iance analysis with one and two factors. The difference between the hardnes
s index of hard and soft varieties was strongly significant (P <0.001). Har
d wheat varieties had significantly higher protein content, water absorptio
n, P and W values, mixograph value and with at the 8(th) minute, and area u
nder the curve (P <0.05) in all three years than the soft wheats. The endos
perm structure had a significant effect on almost every parameter with the
exception of alveograph G and L values, farinograph quality number (QN). gl
uten spread and kernel weight. Among the years, there were only significant
differences in wet gluten content, protein content, QN and kernel weight.
The interaction of the two factors influenced QN.